Wild Trails

Listed here you will find some of the best trail runs in the country. Our aim is to provide information and inspiration so that you can get out there to wallow in perspiration.

Running Wild is of course all about sharing our common passion, so the hope is that our community of trail runners will make contributions. If everybody chips in we can soon build a great guide to the awesomeness that is NZ off-road heaven. Come on you Wild Things, let’s have your ideas! If you are seeking fame (not fortune) then be assured that all contributions will be accredited to you as the author.

To submit a run course for publication you will need to download a Wild Trails Template, fill it out and return by email. Thanks for your help.

Of course, if it can be walked then it can be run. So if you are looking for somewhere new to run you might be able draw inspiration from the excellent Wonder Walkers site that lists walk all over this beautiful country of ours.